Bus tickets to and from Kalamazoo Metro Bus/Amtrak Intermodal in Kalamazoo, MI
Bus tickets to and from Kalamazoo Metro Bus/Amtrak Intermodal in Kalamazoo, MI

Bus tickets to and from Kalamazoo Metro Bus/Amtrak Intermodal in Kalamazoo, MI

Check out our map below, featuring all of our ticketing agencies and bus stops. Questions? Contact customer service or call 989.725.5105.


Things to do in Kalamazoo, MI

Art enthusiasts can visit the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts, which features a diverse collection of artwork and hosts rotating exhibitions. Nature lovers can explore the beautiful trails and gardens at the Kalamazoo Nature Center, offering opportunities for hiking, bird-watching, and wildlife spotting. Downtown Kalamazoo offers a vibrant food and drink scene, with numerous restaurants, breweries, and cafes to explore. Visitors can catch a performance at the Kalamazoo State Theatre or attend events and festivals held in the area throughout the year, such as the Kalamazoo Balloon Fest.