Bus tickets to and from Citgo Gas at Exit 104 in Cedar Springs, MI
Bus tickets to and from Citgo Gas at Exit 104 in Cedar Springs, MI

Bus tickets to and from Citgo Gas at Exit 104 in Cedar Springs, MI

Check out our map below, featuring all of our ticketing agencies and bus stops. Questions? Contact customer service or call 989.725.5105.



Things to do in Cedar Springs, MI

Golfers can enjoy teeing off in Cedar Springs at Cedar Chase Golf Club, which offers a picturesque course for players of all levels. Nature enthusiasts will enjoy some outdoor time at the Ody Brook Nature Sanctuary observing the wildlife, especially bird watching, and admire the beauty of nature. Your dining experience in Cedar Springs can begin at Pour Michigan Wine Barn and continue downtown for local shops, restaurants, and community events, providing opportunities for shopping, dining, and cultural experiences.