Bus tickets to and from Pontiac Bus/Amtrak Intermodal in Pontiac, MI
Bus tickets to and from Pontiac Bus/Amtrak Intermodal in Pontiac, MI

Bus tickets to and from Pontiac Bus/Amtrak Intermodal in Pontiac, MI

Check out our map below, featuring all of our ticketing agencies and bus stops. Questions? Contact customer service or call 989.725.5105.


Things to do in Pontiac, MI

History buffs will want to check out the Pontiac Transportation Museum celebrating the area’s rich transportation heritage. Next on the list should be The Pontiac Creative Arts Center, a hub for local artists and a venue for exhibitions, workshops, and art events. Sports lovers can catch a baseball game at Jimmy John's Field, home to the United Shore Professional Baseball League. For outdoor activities, head to Waterford Oaks County Park, where you can enjoy nature, hiking trails and the Waterford Oaks Wave Pool. Finally, be sure to explore downtown Pontiac, where you'll find an array of restaurants, shops, and galleries, as well as the historic Flagstar Strand Theatre for the Performing Arts, which hosts a variety of live performances throughout the year.