Bus tickets to and from Sunoco Gas Station in Rogers City, MI
Bus tickets to and from Sunoco Gas Station in Rogers City, MI

Bus tickets to and from Sunoco Gas Station in Rogers City, MI

Check out our map below, featuring all of our ticketing agencies and bus stops. Questions? Contact customer service or call 989.725.5105.


Things to do in Rogers City, MI

Begin your exploration by visiting the Presque Isle County Historical Museum, where you can learn about the region's history and view exhibits that showcase the area's maritime heritage. Outdoor enthusiasts can explore the beautiful scenery and sandy beaches at Hoeft State Park, which offers opportunities for hiking, camping, swimming, and picnicking along the shores of Lake Huron. History buffs can visit the Forty Mile Point Lighthouse, a historic landmark that offers guided tours and stunning views of Lake Huron. Lastly, don't miss the chance to indulge in fresh, locally caught fish and seafood at one of the many restaurants in Rogers City, showcasing the town's culinary delights.