Bus tickets to and from Pines Convenience Center in Baraga, MI
Bus tickets to and from Pines Convenience Center in Baraga, MI

Bus tickets to and from Pines Convenience Center in Baraga, MI

Check out our map below, featuring all of our ticketing agencies and bus stops. Questions? Contact customer service or call 989.725.5105.



Things to do in Baraga, MI

When traveling to the village of Baraga, start your adventure in the great outdoors and visit Baraga State Park with its beautiful hiking trails, picnic areas and stunning views of Lake Superior. Don't miss out on the Bishop Baraga Shrine, a peaceful site, overlooking Keweenaw Bay, dedicated to the first bishop of the Upper Peninsula. You can wind down with a visit to the Ojibwa Casino, where you can try your luck at the gaming tables or enjoy live entertainment. There are also local shops and restaurants in downtown Baraga where you can get a taste of regional delicacies.